Throughout my life, especially since graduating high school, I've had some pretty amazing years. Some better than others, but for the most part, they've all been great. With the notable exception of April 2006 to April 2007.
I think I've rambled on before about the details of that horrible year, so I won't bore you with it again. I'm just bringing it up to say that I am the type of person that rarely has bad days. Things just don't get to me. I'm usually wearing a smile and have a good word or a joke for everyone I meet. But that terrible year really tested me. And just when my life was as low as it had ever been, I got a call that would change my life.
I landed the job that I've had for a just over a year now and in the process I met Aubry. Well, as I stated in my last post, my special-lady-friend and I have reached the one year mark. Because of these two huge, life-changing events, I am happy to say that this past year (and change) has been the best year of my life.
Aubry and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary over the weekend. We set the date at May 19 because that was the Saturday of the Chesapeake Jubilee last year. The Jubilee is a bit like a county fair. So, the official date is the 19th, but we decided we should celebrate it on the Saturday of the Jubilee each year, not necessarily on the 19th. However, we are going to go out to a fancy dinner tonight.
Anyway, here are some pictures from Saturday.
I like this picture, because if you don't look at the details, it could be from anytime period. It was taken from the Ferris wheel.
Just a neat looking 'building'.
Just before the fireworks.