So over the past couple of days, I've been starting to move all the crap I own over to the house I'm renting. The people that own the place have been nice enough to let me move my stuff in early. I can't wait to get this move over with. Not because I hate moving. I've actually become quite good at it. When you move once a year, like I do, you get the routine down.
The reason why I'm ready to get out or my apartment is because of my neighbors; one set in particular. Two sets are fairly quiet, while the other set are a pair of college girls. On paper it sounds good, but when you hear them clamoring up
the stairs at 2am, it looses its luster. Couple that with their guitar-playing, sensitive, singing-like-a-clubbed-baby-seal boyfriend and I couldn't be happier about paying more than I should for my new place.
In addition, one of the good neighbors (who lives above me) has a toddler who does what toddlers do and jumps out of bed at 7am on Saturdays and Sundays and runs down the hall. Man I hate living in apartments.
Anyway, the apartment is a shadow of it once glorious self. Bleak and empty it resembles a crack den. And that makes my dog sad.
But not me!!!
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