When I last left you, it was the eve of my return to the world of SCUBA. Well, I went to the course and in actuality, I probably didn't need to go. We breezed over the high points of dive tables and then hit the pool. Although it had been 2 years since my last dive, I shot through the skills in about 20 minutes and just like that, SCUBA had its claws into me again. I don't regret taking the course though. I would rather relearn all of those things in the pool at the dive shop than bobbing around in 6-foot swells, choking on boat exhaust.
The down-side is that I'm now spending every spare moment searching through online $CUBA stores for a dive computer and gauges and drooling over dive videos on YouTube. My friend and dive-buddy Brandon are trying to plan a trip for sometime in the next few months but can't seem to nail down a date. Man, I can't wait.
Moving on... my girlfriend's little sister flew into town the other night and we've been having fun entertaining her. She's 15 and is so happy to not be spending her days babysitting like she normally does. Aubry had to work Sunday, because her coworkers are selfish and wouldn't cover for her despite the fact that she had just covered for one of them less than a month ago. So, I took little-sis out kayaking. We had a good time.
Then last night we took in a Tides, minor league baseball ,game. I'm not sure her sister enjoyed it as much as we did, but I think she was entertained. We didn't have great seats so we moved to get a little closer to the action and have more room. It wasn't 10 minutes later that a ball landed within 5-feet of Aubry's little sister. Unfortunately, she froze and the guy behind us nabbed it. I even called it before the game that she was going to catch a ball since she never goes to games and we go all the time. Oh well, maybe next time.