Thursday, July 3, 2008

Logging Miles

Okay, here goes...

So, I arrived home after work the other day to find a box full of bicycle accessories on my frotn porch. I decided that if I'm going to be spending more time on my bike I should get some goodies for the little guy. I tore into the box like an 8 year old on Christmas morning. Inside I fould all sorts of shiny, new toys.

After unwrapping my new bike tool I set about clamping and zip-tying all of my new stuff to my bike. And when I was done, I was ready to take on the world. I set out on a trip around the block to test my handiwork.

The sunlight glisened off my new detachable, LCD headlight and shimmered across the reflectors of my 3-setting taillight. But the most beautiful thing was my new wireless computer. I started out a 10mph pace to see if it would work. Then pumped it up to 20 and everything flowed together like a moutain stream. The world slowed and kids on the sidewalk stopped and stared in awe.

So I've learned that my trip to work is a little more than I thought. It is a 5.2 mile roundtrip. I also figured out that I average about 14mph on my trip to work. Now I don't know where this falls on the competancy meter but I feel pretty good about it.

I waited until Tuesday to start my odometer reading since it was the 1st and I want to see how many miles I can fit into a month. However, I didn't ride today because of the smoke from the wildfires in North Carolina was blowing in and I forsee this being a problem throughout the summer. I did miss my morning bike ride though.

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