Thursday, January 24, 2008

Out Of Focus

Okay, here goes...

It is 7:35 in the morning and I'm already having trouble staying on task. Perhaps it is because I didn't get a lot of sleep last night... but I did. Maybe I didn't eat a good breakfast... but I did. Maybe I deviated from my normal, set morning routine... but I didn't. I haven't had any caffeine yet this morning, but that's not usually a problem. Hmmm, what could it be? Could it be that I'm going to see Big Head Todd and The Monsters at the NorVa tonight?! They are one of the bands that I have listened to for most of my life yet still haven't seen live!

Yeah, that will be cool. But wait... it gets better! I get off work at noon tomorrow and hop in my truck with my best gal and my dog for a 9 hour drive down to my parents' house (that's not the good part). The next morning (Saturday) dad will drop Aubry and me off at the airport for our trip to Jackson Hole, Wyoming!!!

Oh man, I can't wait!!! I get excited about things but rarely do I get this excited. I usually don't catch myself with clinched fists, shaking my arms and smiling ear-to-ear, but I have several times over the past few weeks.

It looks like the weather is going to be a bit milder but keep snowing, while we're there. I don't mind the freezing cold, but if it wants to hang around the low to mid-20's and keep snowing, that's fine with me.

Anyway, I'm going to caffeinate and try to focus. I'm sure I'll be back before too long and if not, I'll try to keep this thing going while in Jackson. Hopefully with lots of great pictures.


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