Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Suggestion Box

Okay, here goes...

(warning... I drop the f-bomb and another 4-letter word today. Sorry Mom.)

I thought it might be fun to periodically dedicate a day to air my complaints about the world at large.

Jumping right in, my first rant is on Democrats. Now, let's take a step back first, just like any good Democrat. While I consider myself an Independent, I have never voted on the Republican side of the ballot; even when a Republican was running unopposed. My opinions on the big issues like abortion, foreign policy, insurance, taxes, etc. typically fall towards the left (some further than others). However, I see it as short-sighted and narrow-minded to align one's self with only one political party.

However, I do respect the Republican party, if for nothing else, for its ability to come together. You never see the Republican party bickering amongst themselves. Maybe this is because they all think alike? I doubt it. Perhaps it's all those secret fraternities and clubs that we hear about from scandal to scandal. Or are they are all so narrow and set in their beliefs that they all just fall in line? Maybe. But I think it is because they recognize the fact that they all have to come together to defeat a common enemy; just like the military. Maybe that is why Republicans are always the first ones to shout 'War!' It has to be tied in there somehow.

Then on the other side of the aisle, you have Democrats who are too busy pouting and sniffling saying that since Hillary wasn't picked as the Presidential Candidate they aren't sure whether they'll vote for Obama. Are you kidding me!?

"A protest vote."

Are you fucking kidding me!?!?! Let's us break down Ms. Ruccia's arguement, shall we? She has been a life-time Democrat. I'm with her so far. Not my approach, but I can sympothize. She believed the Party would "promote and protect" her issues. As a feminist, I will assume that women's rights and equality are high on her list of issues she wants promoted and protected. Now, I'm no woman, but I think the Democratic Party has and will continue to have, even with that damn Obama guy, a better record on promoting and protecting women's rights.

Let's continue. "Sexism against Hillary Clinton..." You mean like the racism against Obama? This is politics. If you don't have tough enough skin to put up with all the 'isms' (sexism, racism, age-ism, class-ism, etc.) stay off the stump. And she's mad the "Party didn't stand up to stop it". I believe the most influential and strongest person in the world should be able to stand alone and not have their hand held by anyone else, let alone their Party. Perhaps this is what she means by "promote and protect"?

She feels, "dooped" by the Party. I feel dooped by the fact that the roads in my local interstate are falling apart, the education system throughout the country is well below par and the War in Iraq are all bankrupt thanks to the billion-dollar Republican War-time tax breaks.

It is tough for her to say whether she would have stayed with the Party had Obama picked Hillary for VP. Bullshit. First, these two candidates are Alpha's. Hillary would not have been able to function in a Beta capacity. Secondly, Ms. Ruccia, and her cohorts, wouldn't seething if Hillary had to ride shotgun to Obama.

Now, getting the Clintons out of there. Of course the Party wanted to distance itself from the Clintons. If there is one person that Republicans can use as a lightning rod to brew up bad blood, it is Bill Clinton. While I love the guy, he shouldn't be roaming the halls of the White House anymore. He is a disctaction and should only rear his head to say, "I like Obama" (or whoever is running on the Democratic ticket) and then disappear until the next time he's needed.

Finally, she and apparently everyone else at her "Fair Politics" club are worried about Obama's experience. What sort of experience did Bush have when he took office? What sort of experience did George Washington have when he took office? In my opinion, the only person that is experienced enough to handle a presidency is someone running for re-election. Maybe a Vice-President, but only if they have had a lot of hands-on time. No one is prepared for the Office of the President of the United States of America.

Getting back on track...

Don't get me started on those wacko Independents who think a vote for Nadar or some other Third Party loser is taking a stand against a tyrannical 2-party system. If the last few elections have proved anything it's that a non-Democratic Party vote is a vote for Republican. That and money, privilege and influence can buy anything; including the best seat in the Oval Office.

Okay, I could Ramble on till the troops come home but I'll end that tirade there. I think that went well. Hopefully I'll do better with this little feature than I have with other promised additions. If anyone reads this, keep me on task. Yell at me if I haven't produced an new rants.

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